Tuesday 4 September 2012

Bracelet Blanks

Bracelet Blanks
The moment I put on my LifeStrength bracelet my life changed. My energy is at 120% and I feel better than I have ever felt! The balance of life has returned to me! I feel like I can take on the world, better yet the universe. As soon as the purchase was finalized and the bracelet was upon my wrist my life has turned around. Thank you pink LifeStrength bracelet!
Andrea Moreno July 13, 2011
Six months ago I got my first LifeStrength band. I really don’t ever wear rings, watches or bracelets. But this is different. I don’t wear LifeStrength because of how it looks or what others may think, I wear it because of how it makes me feel. And it has changed my life. I’ll admit, I really didn’t feel anything immediately. But after a few days I did start to notice my energy level changing. I knew I was out of shape. I also knew I was overweight. Try as I might, I couldn’t get past the constant feeling of fatigue that had been plaguing me for the last few years. People told me to change my diet, I didn’t get relief. Others suggested exercise, honestly, it made the fatigue worse. Nothing seemed to help until I got my LifeStrength band. The first change I noticed was the desire to take a nap every afternoon disappeared. Within a week I was exercising 3 times a week, and eating better. Since then, I have lost 30 pounds, I exercise every day, and I can say with a smile on my face, I’ve never felt better. I’ve been wearing my LifeStrength band ever since. I’m a skeptical person by nature. I can’t explain exactly how it works, but I know that the effect on me has been significant. Thanks LifeStrength!
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks
Bracelet Blanks

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