Sunday 19 August 2012

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

I am trying to be better about working out of my stash, I am finding all kinds of fun stuff to play with.  Some new ideas, some oldies but goodies.  This one is an old idea, but one that I loved when I was growing up!
In trying to be better about working out of my stash, I am finding all kinds of fun stuff to play with.  Some new ideas, some oldies but goodies.  This one is an old idea, but one that I loved when I was growing up!
It's been like 20 years since I used to make these, so I am just going to say, I feel they're due for a comeback. Can I declare such a thing?  It's similar to a friendship bracelet, and makes up really quickly (I did this short stack in an hour).The idea behind a wish bracelet is that you make a wish, and tie it on.  Eventually, the hemp wears out, and you will lose the beads.  Which sounds sad, but when this happens, your wish is then "released" and is supposed to come true.  And because 20 years ago I loved making wishes, I loved, loved these bracelets.
You need some hemp twine and large seed beads, making this a really inexpensive project, too.  Since these beads are from my stash, I honestly can't say what size they are, but get the biggest sized glass seed beads you can find. 

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

Wish Bracelets

1 comment:

  1. The idea behind wish Bracelets for Women is that you make a wish, and tie it on. Eventually, the hemp wears out, and you will lose the beads. Which sounds sad, but when this happens, your wish is then “released” and is supposed to come true.
